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AnÓmalos is a Greek word for anomalous which means “something that deviates from the norm”. While anomalous can also mean as not in agreement with something and can therefore be unsatisfactory, it can however be an exciting new direction where art is concerned. Hence, two…

As an art gallery, Galeri Prima actively promotes and provides a platform for young or budding artists to nurture their creativity and showcase their talents and achieve their full potential. Even with the Covid-19 restrictions the past two years, Galeri Prima continued to host these…

Learn more about the exhibition: E-Catalogue

We were looking for an arts project for the Merdeka month celebrations, themed along the lines of culture and heritage, when we were granted an audience by Tunku Azizah Aminah Maimunah Iskandariah binti Al-Marhum Al-Mutawakkil Alallah Sultan Iskandar Al-Haj at the Institut Kraf Negara (IKN)…

  Learn more about the exhibition: E-Catalogue

For the first time ever, His Royal Highness Sultan of Selangor Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah Alhaj ibni Almarhum Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah Alhaj has given consent for 33 paintings in his expansive private art collection to be showcased to the public in an exhibition…

SAVING MOTHER EARTH FOR THE FUTURE OF MANKIND GRIME is dirt.  It is the type of dirt that clings or is ingrained onto the surface, thus contributing to the state of impurity. And urban grime has contributed to, among others, the contamination of the environment …

The final Segerak is the most virtuous yet! It comes full circle to being aspirational and inspired on the desire for perfection and idealistic pursuits. Humanity aspires to be free from evil and negativity. It constantly strives to be and become better, more advanced, and…

Every year, tens of thousands of people are affected by floods in Malaysia. Some lives are missing and lost. Others had their houses washed away by the gushing waters. Many are displaced caused by the natural disaster. This year may be of no different. The…

Hosting an art exhibition is always an honour. Galeri Prima continuously welcome artists from all sorts of background to showcase their talents and work of arts.   Closing our 2018 chapter, Galeri Prima is pleased to organise a group exhibition featuring 17 Malaysian artists, a mixture…

Themed The Secret Garden, this 4th solo by a self-taught artist Marisa R Ng is on view at Galeri Prima from 26 September to 4 October 2018, opens with a hi-tea reception on Saturday, 29 September, from 3 pm to 5 pm at Galeri Prima. …

It was not an easy task to get all 88 of them together“ the young and emerging and those who have already established themselves in the arts community – but we managed to do it. Their works are placed side by side throughout the gallery.…