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In 1979, Berita Publishing Sendirian Berhad published Lat’s The Kampung Boy, an autobiographical cartoon account of his youth.  Readers of the book were captivated by his “heart-warming” portrayal of Malaysian rural life,  rendered with “scribbly black-and-white sketches” and accompanied by “simple but eloquent prose”. By 2009, the book had been reprinted 16 times  and published in several other countries in various languages, including Portuguese, French, and Japanese. The success of The Kampung Boy established Lat as the “most renowned cartoonist in Malaysia.” Foreign embassy officials have sought Lat for his insight into the cultures of their societies. They have invited him to tour their countries, in the hope that he will record his experiences in cartoon form to share with the world.  The first country to do so was the United States, followed by others such as Australia, Germany, and Japan.  In 1998, Lat became the first cartoonist to be made an Eisenhower Fellow and revisited the United States. In 2007, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia awarded him an honorary Doctorate in Anthropology and Sociology.  His  works are recognised as visual records of Malaysia’s cultural history; 

He was awarded a Fukuoka Asian Culture Prize in 2002 for preserving Malay rural culture in his works. In 2018, Lat was awarded the Tokoh Ar Ridzuan at the Perak state level of the Tokoh Maal Hijrah award.[ In 2019, the Taylor’s University honoured him a Honorary Doctorate in Arts during the university’s 18th convocation ceremony for his contribution to the development of the Malaysia’s visual arts. Lat was awarded the 2023 National Journalists’ Day Award for his contribution in conveying information and educating the communities on various issues through his works that are done with humour and prudence with a dash of sarcasm. In 1994, the then Sultan of Perak Sultan Azlan Muhibbuddin Shah ibni Almarhum Sultan Yussuff Izzuddin Shah Ghafarullahu-lah bestowed him the honorific title of datuk, in recognition of his work in helping to promote social harmony and understanding through his cartoons.  

At the launch of his “Rumah Lat” in Batu Gajah recently, The Sultan of Perak Sultan Nazrin Muizzuddin Shah Ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Azlan Muhibbuddin Shah Al-Maghfur-Lah conferred him the status of “Royal Artist”.Galeri Prima is proud to be a part of Rumah Lat, with the presentation of 100 pieces of Datuk Lat’s original prints taken from our collection dated from 1969 – 1984. Born in a village, Lat spent his youth in the countryside before moving to the city at the age of 11. While in school, he supplemented his family’s income by contributing cartoon strips to newspapers and magazines. He was 13 years old when he achieved his first published comic book, Tiga Sekawan (Three Friends Catch a Thief). After failing to attain the grades that were required to continue education beyond high school, Lat became a newspaper reporter. In 1974, he switched careers to be an editorial cartoonist. His works, reflecting his view about Malaysian life and the world, are staple features in national newspapers such as New Straits Times and Berita Minggu

Datuk Mohammad Nor Khalid or Lat is a national icon. Known famously as “Lat” (he was a stocky boy with a chubby face, which led his family and friends to nickname him “Bulat” and shortened it to “Lat”), he has published more than 20 volumes of cartoons since the age of 13. His works mainly  illustrate the social and political landscape of Malaysia, portraying them from a humorous and unbiased perspective. Lat draws the common man on the streets with bold strokes in pen and ink. His Malay characters have three-looped noses, making this his trademark. And he paid attention to family life and children. Lat applied for a cartoonist’s position at Berita Harian but was offered by then editor, Abdul Samad Ismail, the post of a crime reporter. He was later transferred to Berita Harian’s parent publication, New Straits Times. Moving throughout the city to report on crimes gave Lat opportunities to observe and interact with the myriads of lives in the urban landscape, enabling him to gather material for his cartoons and increasing his understanding of the world.  Nevertheless, he felt he lacked the persistently inquisitive nature needed to succeed as a crime reporter.  Lat tendered his resignation but the editor, believing Lat had a bright future with the press, furiously rejected the letter. 

Lat’s career took a turn for the better on 10 February 1974; Asia Magazine, a periodical based in Hong Kong, published his cartoons about Bersunat—a circumcision ceremony all Malaysian boys of the Islamic faith have to undergo. The cartoons impressed then NST editor-in-chief Tan Sri Lee Siew Yee, who found Lat’s portrayal of the important ceremony humorous yet sensitive and grumbled that the newspaper should have hired the artist. He was surprised to be told that Lat was already working within his organisation. Lat was called to Lee’s office to have a talk, which raised the reporter’s profile in the company. He became the paper’s column cartoonist, taking up a position created for him by Samad, now deputy editor of the New Straits Times. His first duty was to document Malaysian culture in a series of cartoons titled Scenes of Malaysian Life. The newspaper also sent him to study for four months at St Martin’s School of Art in London, where he was introduced to English editorial cartoons and newspapers. Returning to Malaysia full of fascination with his experience, Lat transformed Scenes of Malaysian Life into a series of editorial cartoons. His approach proved popular, and at the end of 1975 he was appointed full-time cartoonist with total freedom in his work. 

LAT @ JALAN RIONG an exhibition of Dato Mohamad Nor Khalid or knowingly as Dato Lat drawings. focuses more on his drawings during his employment with the New Straits Times which started from 1974 until 1984. The displays are divided into 4 sections, Merchandises, Scene of Malaysian Life, Epit and Asam Garam.



Consists of humorous drawings portraying the social and political scenarios of Malaysia. 


Scenes about husband & wife daily life


Another strong character portrayed by Lat in his drawings.  


Display of original drawings and merchandises that have been produced


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Visitor information

Balai Berita, 31 Jalan Riong
59100, Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur

Gallery Hours:
Mondays – Fridays, 10am-6pm
Weekends by appointment only


03 – 2724 8300

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